The Kajaks Track & Field Club recognizes that diversity is to be welcomed,
encouraged and celebrated.
That our sport, like many others, was built by people of all backgrounds.
That some of those people’s, while celebrated in public, were consistently oppressed
and continue to be oppressed through systemic racism
within our communities.
That discrimination, in any form, must not be tolerated, must not be ignored, and
must be properly addressed immediately and proactively.
We pledge that the Kajaks Track & Field Club will continue to strive toward
inclusion and respect of all races, cultures, faiths and sexual orientations.
We pledge that the Kajaks Track & Field Club will continue to hold diversity in
the highest regard and instill it as a fundamental value of our organisation.
We pledge to speak against, protect against and work against any and all
forms of discrimination and bigotry.
We are the #KajaksFam
We are #DifferentTogether
We will listen.
We will stand.